BOLOGNESE News Roundup 06/04/2019

It has been an exciting time over the last few weeks as we enjoyed Crufts on the 10th of March and UK Toy on the 30th of March along with a British Bolognese Club OPEN SHOW on the same day. Those attending Crufts had a treat seeing some top European dogs up close, so much so that the Open Dog class was applauded!
Entries for Manchester Dog Show Society’s Championship show in January were poor. From 6 dogs attending on the day judge Tom Mather found BOB in Multi Ch Little White Wonder Othello Matteo & BB Ir Ch Clynymona Jo I’m Alone, both dogs owned by Virginia Dowty. No veteran Bolognese made the journey to Manchester. CLICK HERE for Judges Critique Manchester.
Since our last report there have once again been Open Shows with good results for our breed. We have plenty of nice shows to look forward to and some youngsters on the circuit to liven things up a little. Jenny Hegarty has the show bug since winning 1st at Crufts with her girl Fizz, so hopefully she will become a regular at shows.
Crufts 2019

From an entry of 54, we saw the cream of Bolognese at the NEC for Crufts 2019. Fabulous British and overseas dogs showed their socks off doing their owners handlers and breeders proud! ITA CH RADAMANTINO DANTE owned by Miss ML Friggi and handled by Salvo Foti took the BD & BOB place and DONOCIELO SERAPHINA owned and bred by Carol Mulligan and handled by Becky Mulligan the BB award. Carol Mulligan is a member of our club and so was the RBB owner and breeder of ENJANICKA TOSCANA MIO CARO Jane Towers. Nice to see top placing for British owners and breeders in the bitch classes. CLICK HERE to read full Crufts Report.
Crufts Family Reunion
Ch Ares Di Chiesanova was visiting from Italy for Crufts this year and was awarded Reserve Best Dog. There was a family reunion as Ares was able to meet four of the 6 puppies he sired in 2017 for the first time. The puppies mother Tumbril Tennessee Honey with Enkanicka was also being shown at Crufts to make up the family gathering!

A championship show just for toy dogs, although this show is very close to Crufts, it is a prestigious show with high entries. Our judge was Renee Sporre-Willes who told me afterwards that her best friend in Sweden is from the Hunky-Dory Kennel and that she went to Italy with her friend to choose her first Bolognese.
Club member Carol Mulligan had an amazing show at UK Toy winning BOB with their girl Donocielo Seraphina and RBB with their younger girl from the same mating Donocielo Cassia. Jane Towers Enjanicka Midnight Blue was BD and Lafford Hero owned in partnership by Virginia Dowty RBD. BP went to my Belstown Harry The Potter at 7-months at his first show. Shirley Hewitson’s INT CH PREDATINO BENGI OF MOORHEY is the sire of Seraphina, Cassia & Harry and Seraphina & Harry have litter sisters as dams. BV was Strophair Luigi owned by Bette Hopkins.
British Bolognese Club OPEN SHOW

Judge Stephen Goodwin has judged the breed several times in the past. He found his BOB in BD Lafford Hero owned in partnership with Virginia Dowty, BB was Karen Golden’s Kaylo Van Het Balgzand & BP Deana Mee & Hilary McArdell’s Blonde Chino Geminium. The BBC show started at 9.30 allowing time for the Championship Show to start soon after lunch.
Boston Championship Show
On the 6th of January, under judge Brian Rix, Jane Towers and had a lovely day at Boston Champ show. Jane’s boy Enjanicka Midnight Blue ‘Hector’ was AVNSC BOS and her youngster Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro 1st in Post Graduate.

Sutton Coldfield OPEN SHOW
Shirley Hewitson judged Bolognese at Sutton Coldfield OPEN SHOW. BOB was Chris Thatcher’s Gonni Torre Delle Passere with Devonia (IMP IT), RBOB Jane Tower’s Enjanicka Midnight Blue and BP Diane Whateley’s Belstown Beloved Aimee at Arkadian. It was little Amy’s first show at just 6-months. Amy and her litter brother Harry had a nice play after the judging. Visitors included Cindy Costello and Denise Turner along with their dogs and families. 11 Bolognese all together were at the show, some being shown and some just enjoying the day out! CLICK HERE for judges critique.

On the 29th of January Donocielo Seraphina was awarded BOB AVNSC TOY at Chichester & District Canine Society Open Show under Judge Dr Geoffrey G Curr (Natimuk). On the 10th of February Donocielo Seraphina was at Portsmouth & Southsea Kennel Association Open Show where she was also BOB AVNSC TOY and then took TOY GROUP 2 under Judge Mrs E Mordecai (Millhill). On the 3rd of March at Folkestone, Hythe & District Canine Society Open Show, Donocielo Seraphina was awarded BOB AVNSC Toy and TOY GROUP 3 under judge Miss Leila Tarabad (Khatibi). This was Seraphina’s 3rd BOB in 3 shows, now upgraded to 4 since UK Toy!
Belstown Merlau Blackbird ‘Reggie owned by Kathleen Holliday also represented our breed at several OPEN shows in the last couple of months. Reggie achieved BOB at North East Toy Dog on the 16th of March, BOB at Scottish Toy Dog on the 23rd of March and 3rd in AVNSC at Barrow and District open show at Lancaster on the 17th of February. Great results for Seraphina & Reggie!
Swindon and District Canine Society
On the 2nd of March at Swindon and District Canine Society judge Claire Bayne chose ‘Hector’ Enjanicka Midnight Blue as his BOB from a lovely AVNSC turnout then Toy Group 4. ‘Caro’ Enjanicka Tosacana Mio Caro was awarded second in AVNSC PG and ‘Lulu’ Tumbril Tennessee Honey with Enjanicka 2nd in AV toy open. Jane said, “Nice day out and lovely to see so many Cotons”.
In the next feature, we will be reporting on WELKS, Birmingham National, SKC & Bath Championship shows as well as OPEN SHOWS, lets hope our Bolognese continue to do us proud!
Thanks goes to all contributors to this feature. If you see any errors in the information provided, please email and we will make the changes straight away. Also, please let us know your show news, as much input from members as possible please and remember to take pictures!
Previous NEWS
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