BOLOGNESE News Roundup 24/12/2018

Compiled by Melanie Thomas
Since the last News Roundup we have had Bolognese classes at Midland Counties & LKA championship shows, we have also heard of club members successes at Open Shows around the country. Two of our members’ dogs have been awarded Certificates of Merit for their dogs show achievements and we can tell you who the TOP BOLOGNESE 2019 are with the most points for showing. Congratulations to ALL competitors and to those who had exceptional years.

GONNI TORRE DELLE PASSERE WITH DEVONIA wins Best of Breed at Midland Counties
At Midland Counties on the 28th of October our Bolognese judge was Val Blore. BOB & BB went to Chris Thatcher’s 12-month girl Italian import GONNI TORRE DELLE PASSERE WITH DEVONIA (IT IMP). BD was Virginia Dowty’s INT/IR/GIB/LUX/DUTCH CH LITTLE WHITE WONDER OTHELLO MATTEO and BP Lyn Glover’s LAGSPRING JOLENE.

Our judge at LKA on the 15th of December was breed specialist Daphne Watson. BOB and Best Opposite sex were owned by Virginia Dowty. Multi Ch Little White Wonder Othello Matteo took the BOB and Ir Ch Clynymona Jo I’m Alone BB. PB was Hilary McArdell’s Phendelle Photo Finish. LKA went well for the breed, we had a late start which made the travelling less stressful. It was a chance to give out Christmas cards and also our club Newsletter was hand delivered as were lots of club calendars. We made our Christmas draw and it was great that it was won by Bette Hopkins who was at the show and able to take the lovely sparkly Kezang Art Bolognese Swarovski Crystal Brooch home with her.

BV at LKA was Belstown Mistletoe Nelly Of Donocielo who came out of retirement to qualify for Crufts. Her owner said she was a little bewildered as she usually sits on the sidelines.
Open Shows
On the 18th of November Jane Towers had a great day at Camberley & District Canine Society OPEN SHOW. Her boy Hector was awarded Best AVNSC and group 3. Jane said, “thank you to our judge Sean Puttick for the lovely comments. Lovely to see Jennie Hegarty and Fizz and many
congratulations for their placing”.
At Coventry (Foleshill) Canine Society Open show Jane’s puppy Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro was BP in AVNSC then Puppy Group One under judge Peter Young.

Birmingham Toy Dog
BOB at Birmingham and District Toy Dog Society OPEN SHOW on the 22nd of December was Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro. The judge was Gary Thomas. Owner Jane Towers said, “lovely atmosphere and party spirit”.
Show Certificate of Merits
The Show Certificate of Merit is an award achieved through winning points at General and Group Open shows and reaching a total of 25 points. Earlier in the year Karen Golden was over the moon when her girl Kaylo Van Het Balgzand was the first female Bolognese and only the 3rd ever to be awarded a Certificate of Merit. Hector Enjanicka Midnight Blue also gained his show merit on 18 November a month before the final deadline of 31 December. Hector is the 4th Bolognese ever to have achieved this honour. Owner Jane Towers said, “we have had a lovely year taking him to open shows many in AVNSC and have met and made friends with lots of new people. I couldn’t recommend open shows enough. Lovely atmosphere and friendly competition”.
Virginia Dowty’s INT/IR/GIB/LUX/DUTCH CH LITTLE WHITE WONDER OTHELLO MATTEO with 49 points gained the most points of all toy breeds, making him TOP BOLOGNESE, TOP RARE BREED & TOP TOY (non CC breeds).
Jane Tower’s Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro with 10 points. CLICK HERE for full results.
Remember, if you are interested in the show side of the breed, you can find show news, results and judges critiques on our website. Go to the ‘Our Dogs’ area from the top bar and then choose the ‘Show Results’ option.
Have a Go Dog Shows
Have you ever watched Crufts and wished you could take part? Here is your chance! Training days across the country will be hosted at Kennel Club licensed All Breed Championship shows during 2019. This is the perfect opportunity for someone new to the world of pedigree dogs to take part and understand what it takes to be involved in dog showing. CLICK HERE for more information.
Our next show is Manchester Championship show, where our judge is Mr Tom Mather. Then we will all be looking forward to Crufts 2019, how exciting that will be, hope to see you all there.
If you see any errors in the information provided, please email and we will make the changes straight away. Also, please let us know your show news, as much input from members as possible please and remember to take pictures!
Happy Christmas to everybody and their dogs and I hope you have a happy and prosperous new year!
Previous NEWS
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BOLOGNESE News Roundup 9/9/2018
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