Pro Club MembershipShow results

SHOW NEWS Early 2023

BOSTON Championship Show Sunday 8th January 2023

Lykalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian BEST DOG at Boston
A great day at Boston and District Canine Society Championship Show yesterday. Lykalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian, Enzo for short, did us all proud and won Best Of Sex in Breed under judge Carol Lees. Max got 1st Open Dog, Cara was 2nd in Open Bitch while Amy looked beautiful as she took 2nd in Post Grad Bitch.
In AV Rare Breeds Enzo got 2nd place in Open Dog and Cara got 3rd place in Open Bitch under judge Kirsty Ryan.
Devonia’s Anzio aka Obi BEST MALE PUPPY at Boston

I finished the weekend at Boston & DCS Championship Show with Devonia’s Anzio aka Obi on his very last show as a puppy picking up Best Puppy Rare Breed under Kirsty Ryan. We were also 1st Puppy Dog and Reserve Best of Sex in the Bolognese classes. This show was a long day for me, but luckily the weather was OK for January. The show itself was nice, plenty of room around the ring and the benches.
Amy Lovell

SPIRE TOYDOG SOCIETY Sunday March 19th 2023


The sun came out for this show. Alfreton Leisure Centre proved to be a clean and tidy venue. In a well lit sports hall were 4 decent sized rings with plenty of space for show trolleys and for getting around. Sadly being Mothers Day and falling between Crufts and UK Toy, numbers were very low. There were 3 Bolognese entries with 1 absentee. Lyckalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian took Best of Breed with Arkadian Beloved Diana getting Reserve Best of Breed. Lyckalotte Enzo Ferrari went on to win AV Open Dog/Bitch and come second in the DD Memorial Stakes winning £8. The breed judge was Cherry Gwynne (Chezic) AV & Stakes was Gary Thomas (Jonsville) a replacement for Mark Burns who was ill.
Diane Whateley

UK Toy Championship Show 25th March 2023

This show for me is always a very early start so when the alarm went off before 4.00 a.m – there were a few groans. We left home in good time and fortunately the traffic being a Saturday was not too bad early in the morning. The weather, however, was not that clever. The wind was very strong and some rain. We arrived at Stafford and because it was only Toy Dogs parking was relatively easy compared to the usual when there are more groups. We managed to park not too far from the Argyle Centre. The only downside of the outbuildings is that they are quite dark and very echoey. The hall for a change was nice and warm though. We followed the Coton De Tulear in the ring and had the same Judge Mr. Rodney Olden. After they finished there was a short break, and the Bolognese began judging. The ring was of reasonable size but typical of Stafford it is just a concrete floor and not always the cleanest. We were benched near the ring so could also see what was going on. It was great to see a lot of Club members at the show who travel a good few miles to attend, including Bette Hopkins, Jenny Heggarty, Amy Lovell, Diane and Mark Whateley, Dennis and Carol Mulligan. Mr. Oldham awarded Reserve Best Dog to my own Kobanyai Pelyhes Odin with Devonia and Best Veteran to Mulligan’s Donocielo Seraphina and Best Special Beginner Hegarty’s Tumbril Topsecret.
Chris Thatcher

Chippenham & District Canine Society Open Show 2nd April 2023

BOB Devonia’s Anzio aka Obi at Chippenham show

This Open show has provided Bolognese classes for the past few years and is sponsored by the Bolognese Dog Club UK. It is a well organised and friendly show. The downside of the show is the location. It is held in an Equestrian Society which means the flooring is not very conducive to white dogs. The Society have gone the extra mile and provided heavy duty rubber matting for the toy ring. We had a couple of stewards who were very kind and kept sweeping them to keep then reasonably clean.

We left home early as the venue is some distance away. Due to the heavy rains, we have had for the past few days, as we neared the venue, we unfortunately encountered floods in the road. We managed to get through, but some people did turn around and go in another direction to reach the venue. The car park was a bit chaotic as it was all on grass so was rather wet and muddy. It was great to catch up with Mark and Diane who had come quite a way to attend also Amy and her mum. This show is well supported in every group the toy group being no exception. We had quite a while to wait but it gave time to catch up with friends from other breeds and to generally socialise.

We had four classes allocated, Puppy, Junior, Limit and Open. Unfortunately, no puppies this year. Amy was also on her own in Junior with Devonia’s Anzio aka Obi. 2 entries in Limit, my own Kali and Mark and Diane’s Arkadian Beloved Diana. Open class consisted of my Odin and Mark and Diane’s Enzo. Our Judge Jo Lewis was very knowledgeable about Bolognese and checked all the finer points. She found her Best of Breed in my own Odin with reserve BOB in Amy’s Obi. Odin was lucky enough to receive Group 2, which as most people know does not happen very often. Brian was asked to assist a gentleman who had got his car stuck in the mud, spent quite a while in trying to remove the car which they eventually managed. We eventually left the venue at 7.30. My car, being covered in mud. A long but very successful day arriving home just after 9.00 pm. Happy but very tired.

Chris Thatcher

Chippenham & District Canine Society Open Show 2nd April 2023

Diane & Mark Whateley also sent feedback from this show saying, “Bolognese did very well and held their ground against other more popular Toy Breeds”. Congratulations to Diane’s boy Enzo who was 1st in the mixed AV Toy Open Class.


Best of Breed Mulligan’s Donocielo Cassia
Reserve Best Dog Lovell & Thatcher’s Devonia’s Anzio

CLICK HERE for Crufts 2023 Report

CLICK LINK to read Cassie’s Crufts Journey, by Becky Mulligan

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.