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WORLD SHOW Report, by Virginia Dowty

The Bolognese Brits had a great week in Amsterdam at the 3 shows.

Benelux, Speciality and World Show. There was a lot of walking I reckon over the week we must have clocked up many miles! It really is a hard call for us Brits because almost all the dogs being shown were heavily trimmed in spite of the fact the FCI breed standard calls for dogs to be untrimmed, it seems our European friends take no notice of this.  Trimming does make a huge difference, as staining can be covered up and dogs can be shaped to disguise faults. Some of the dogs from behind looked almost like Bichons. Having said that presentation overall was of a high standard.

The first show of the week was the Benelux Show under Dutch judge Ineke Zwaartman-Pinster where double CAC points were offered, BOB, CACIB, CAC was Lafford Milky Bar Kid bred by Carol Lees, BOS, CACIB, CAC Clynymona Jo I’m Alone owned by Virginia Dowty, Lafford Hero won the Open class, and Clarchien Rock With You won RCAC and Junior Bitch. Little White Wonder Othello Matteo won 2nd in Champion and Donocielo Marcello owned by Martina Schwarz and bred by the Mulligans won Best Junior.

At the Speciality Show the next day where double CAC’s were on offer, the judge was Aida Franco Riviera from Columbia. Now some folk would wonder why on earth a Colombian judge would know about judging Bolognese, but these very well know and highly experienced FCI judges having judging appointments all year round at International Shows across the globe and many of them probably see and judge more Bolognese than any of their British counterparts. BOB, CAC was Clynymona Jo I’m Alone, BOS, CAC Ch Harvey White Lion Vom Hof Dominique, Res CAC’s to Lafford Milky Bar Kid & Junior Bitch winner Clarchien Rock With You. The Best Junior was Donocielo Marcello, and Little White Wonder Othello Matteo 2nd in Ch Dog.

The actual World Show for Bolognese took place on the Sunday. Our judge was well known breed expert Francesco Cochetti. The standard was very high and his BOB went to Hunky-Dory I Me Mine owned and bred by Lotten Ronquist, BOS Aquavit Piece of Puzzle owned by Susanna Nikkila. RCACIB dog to Meandl’s Striking Saxon from the Champion class, and RCACIB Aquavit Fairy Tail. Best Puppy was Jane Towers Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro, Best Junior Febe di Chiesanova, Best Minor Puppy at all 3 shows Little White Wonder Tova Stefania and Best Veteran at all 3 shows Aquavit Kind of Magic owned by Katarina Mossberg.

As well as Jane’s puppy the Brits were not disgraced by any means. I noticed I had Manx flag against my name which is a first. Donocielo Marcello won JD, Little White Wonder Socrate Enea 4th in Intermediate, Lafford Hero 2nd in Open dog, Little White Wonder Othello Matteo 2nd Ch dog. In large class of 9 Junior bitches the Mulligans did well with Donocielo Elisabetta 2nd Donocileo Giuletta (Excellent) and Clarchien Rock With You 3rd. Also 3rd in Intermediate bitch Jane Tower’s Nemesi Del Nebbioso At Enjanicka. The Open bitch class was a great sight, all 4 were Brits. 1st Clynymona Jo I’m Alone, 2nd Mulligans Donocielo Cassia, 3rd Jane Tower’s Tumbril Tennessee Honey With Enjanicka and 4th Donocielo Seraphina.

We all came away from the week, feeling justly proud that ALL our British dogs not just the winners, can hold their own in Europe and with 2 new Champions and 2 titles, Dutch Ch and Benelux Winner Nederland 2018 Clynymona Jo I’m Alone and Junior Dutch Ch and Benelux Jeugdwinner 2018 Clarchien Rock With You.

Virginia Dowty






Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor


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