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SHOW REPORT LKA 2022, by Chris Thatcher

The last Championship show of the year is always Ladies Kennel Association. The show has always been held at the NEC and generally is one of the fun shows of the year. We have received news that LKA will be moving next year to Stafford Showground, which unfortunately, for those of us in the South and West of the Country is further to travel. However, this year the weather took a turn prior to the Saturday and was exceedingly cold. Unfortunately for us, we were parked a long way away from the venue, in fact we could not even see the venue from the car park! So, a long walk in the freezing cold. We eventually found our benching area which was close to Ring 1 where we were to show but the downside was that Ring 1 was closest to the entrance and the doors were kept open which made it really cold. We were third breed in the ring, so we eventually got to show around 1.00 p.m. We had an entry of 6 puppies which is something that I have not seen in a long while. Hopefully, the puppies will continue their show careers into adulthood.

Our Judge Mr. Richard Haynes has judged the breed previously, one occasion being Crufts 2009, I also recall him judging us some time ago at Stafford.  Mr. Haynes was very thorough checking the finer points of the breed when examining the dogs. He found his Best Dog and Best of breed in my own Kobanyai Pelyhes Odin with Devonia (imp HU) aka Odin. Best male puppy was Amy Lovell’s Devonia Anzio aka Obi. Best Veteran was Mulligan’s Donocielo Seraphina.

After judging, we tried to raise the Christmas atmosphere with a secret Santa, most prizes for for the dogs but some human pampering as well. We had a get together with some food, Jane had made two different cakes, I supplied sausage rolls, there was also a couple of tubs of sweets, mince pies and a bottle Schloer. After this we disbursed most doing their doggy Christmas shopping. Finding our way to the other end of the hall to wait for the Toy Group we passed many benches that were having their Christmas parties, many with their own Santas!!

That’s it now for the show scene for 2022. Look forward to shows in 2023 and if any of our readers would like to show their Bolognese, please enquire.

Chris Thatcher

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.