Look after your dogPro Club Membership

Ear Plucking – the Job everybody hates to do

by Chris Thatcher

The Bolognese along with other non-moulting breeds of dog have hair growing in their ears. It is imperative that the hair is removed and also the ear itself is kept clean, otherwise your dog will possibly suffer from ear problems such as ear mites and canker.

Most reputable breeders will have removed the hair in the ear before  puppies go to their new forever homes and therefore should make it easier for the novice owner to deal with.

I personally use special ear hair pluckers (illustrated below) but everyday tweezers or thumb and index finger can be used.   Most dogs will hate having their ears plucked at first, so try to do it when your dog is relaxed. I usually do this procedure approximately every two weeks when my pet is laid on my lap and I usually incorporate it into my grooming routine along with clipping of the nails and removing the hair on the pads.

ear pluckers

If your Bolognese has never had the hair removed before It is best to do it little and often so that the dog gets used to it and it would be advisable to take just a few hairs out every day or every other day, so he gradually knows what to expect, but remember to give your dog a treat afterwards. If the ear plucking is carried out correctly it will not hurt your Bolognese.

If your Bolognese has any ear problems or you are concerned at all consult your veterinary surgeon.

Other problems with ears

Ear Mites

Ear mites are very small inhabitants of the ear in both cats and dogs. The mites are well-adapted parasites that feed on the skin surface, debris and fluids  love inhabiting ear canals. They can cause tremendous inflammation and discomfort as well.   Ear mites can usually be detected by the smell they exude. I cannot really describe the smell, but it is kind of a fruity smell. If you look into the dog’s ear you should also see a darkish short of wax.


The treatment for ear mites depends on the severity of the symptoms. Most vets will medicate with an anti-inflammatory product. If debris is present, ear cleaning will be necessary either by you or the veterinary surgery. Specific anti-parasitic treatments are needed to kill the mites. Since these mites travel from dog to dog and cat to cat, it is probably necessary to treat all the animals in your household to prevent it infecting every pet.

So the moral is, prevention is always better than the cure, so do spend some time checking your dog’s ears and removing all excess hair, and you and your pet will reap the rewards.

Chris Thatcher


Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor


One thought on “Ear Plucking – the Job everybody hates to do

  • Thank you ! Most informative !

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