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PRODUCT REVIEW – Emmi-pet, ultrasonic toothbrush

Emmi-pet, Ultrasonic Toothbrush

By Chris Thatcher

I am always a little sceptical when it comes to gadgets although I have to say I do like new gadgets but ONLY if they work. I had thought about the ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs, but thought yes, just another toy to play with which probably won’t work. I did a little research and asked around a few show people who had already purchased one and most came back with a favourable reply. One friend had used theirs on a 7 year old that had never had any dental treatment and the tartar which was quite thick and after a few treatments they said it had made a vast improvement.

Making the purchase
Anyhow, I thought I would take the plunge and decided to buy one. I was fortunate in that there was an Emmi-Pet Agent who lived about 6 miles away so I did not have to rely on having it posted and I was able to go and see her and she explained exactly how it worked and what results I should expect. I purchased the Emmi-pet along with a couple of extra toothbrushes (it comes with 2) as I have multiple dogs and like humans they really need their own toothbrush to avoid spreading any germs from one dog to another. The toothbrush has to be charged for 24 hours before use so, unfortunately, I had to wait before trying it out.

Cleaning my dogs’ teeth
Previous to my purchase I was using a normal human electric toothbrush which the dogs hated when I brought it out, they would wriggle and fight me as they really did not like the vibration and above all the noise that it made. On producing the ultrasonic toothbrush I thought I would be in for a long session of fighting with them for me to be able to use it, however, I was really pleasantly surprised because it does not vibrate and makes no noise whatsoever none of them put up any resistance. It is just like putting a normal toothbrush in their mouths and holding over a couple of teeth at a time for 30 seconds and job done, move on to the next teeth. The first dog that I did, I was using the toothbrush for about half an hour and the whole mouth was done and what an improvement it made, you could visually see a difference. If the tartar is of a light build up it does not take very long, with dogs that have a heavy build up of tartar it will probably take about 6 treatments for the tartar to disappear. It can be helped on its way by using your finger or thumbnail to try to scrape it off at the end of the session.



You will see a couple of photos, one of the before and the other after the treatment. This is on a 3 year old dog who had previously had no teeth cleaning sessions or dentals etc., this is just one treatment. Can’t wait to see what it looks like after 3 or 4 sessions.

The results
I have to say I am extremely impressed with the product and feel it is a far more gentle experience for dogs than having to go to the vets for an anaesthetic to have a clean and polish a lot less stress as well because it can be done in their home environment.   Although the Emmi-pet is expensive to start with (around £200) I think I will save a lot of money in the long run as hopefully, the dogs will not need to go to the vets every couple of years for a scale and polish at a cost of around £200.00 per dog.

I believe some Agents who are selling the Emmi-pet offer a dental cleaning service which I believe is around £30.00 for the first treatment and  £15.00 for a maintenance  appointment but if like me you have multiple dogs it should pay for itself quite quickly.

Chris Thatcher


Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor


4 thoughts on “PRODUCT REVIEW – Emmi-pet, ultrasonic toothbrush

  • Claire Hancock

    I keep looking at this and wondering if it’s worth the investment, thanks for this positive review I may need to add to my birthday/xmas list.

  • Hi thanks for the photos suporting your story. i keep reading great emmipet ultrasonic reveiws but can not work out how you found a local agent to buy one myself . ..? Thanks

  • Hi would this work on a dog who has tartar that’s hardened? I have a Yorkie who is now 10 and the vets advising another dental (she had one at 7) and I’m really nervous about getting it done again due to the risks with Anesthetic. How many vibrations does this do?

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