Jennie Hegarty’s first Bolognese MEET UP
My first ever meet up – and I loved it! I want to thank Paul and Melanie for sourcing the venue and organising the day. I parked near the gates and as Fizz and I approached the pavilion café I could see a swirl of beautiful Bolognese – all ages and sizes with differing hairstyles. I was immediately made to feel so welcome and part of the group – however Fizz who is approaching 7 months was made to feel even more welcome particularly by the male ‘members ‘ of the group (canine). I had been totally unaware that she had come into season!
Luckily for Fizz’s virtue the male Bolognese were as charming as their owners and provided I kept her in my arms she and I were able to talk and mingle with the others. The setting was wonderful I had never visited Greenwich Park before and was entranced by the superb viewing points right across London and Canary Wharf in one direction and then across to the Queens House in the other. The park is just beautiful and it felt as if we were in the heart of the country in the depths of the city. We had a lovely walk and then retired to the shade of a tree in the Pavilion café gardens. As a total newcomer to the breed I found it really interesting to listen to the conversations around me and join in – I have picked up all sorts of tips and made some new friends. I even won the raffle !!
I think Fizz was slightly shell shocked by all the male attention and she slept the whole evening
Apologies on Fizz’s behalf to all the boy Bolo’s whose passions were inflamed by her – and thank you all once again for being such a friendly bunch
Thank you for your positive feedback. It makes it worthwhile putting on events for the members when people actually comment and say that they have enjoyed themselves. The idea is that we bring Bolognese owners whether they be show owners or pet owners together to share their experiences and hopefully the more experienced owners can help the novice owners with any problems, tips and hints that will be helpful for the future. After all we all have the betterment of the breed at heart. Thank you for sharing.