Trixie Blair’s All About Me

This is Slovkyn Fiona Trixie (Trixie). How she is 3 yrs old already I do not know! Time has flown. We lost our old dog Tilly on New Year’s Eve 2017. We both agreed we could not go through that heartache and pain again so would not have another dog. But after just a few weeks, the house was just too quiet. I didn’t want another King Charles Spaniel as Tilly was her own self and could not be replaced.

Whilst looking for a breed to welcome in our family, our daughter suggested a Bolognese. Neither Andy or myself had heard of this breed, but once we researched it, we agreed this breed is just perfect for us. We used the Kennel Club to contact breeders to find out how long we would have to wait. Through this process we contacted Pete Pipta who’s bitch Dante was expecting puppies and we could join his waiting list.

Thankfully Trixie was from a litter of 7 so we didn’t have to wait too long to find out we would be able to welcome our new baby in the spring. We found Pete to be everything we wanted in a breeder and now a friend, a man who really cares and loves every puppy even when they have left for their forever home. Everyday Trixie brings us so much love and laughter. Trixie is such a character, she has her own little quirky way and she won’t change it for anyone. She won’t eat anything she has to chew like treats, carrots, apple, but if you make them tiny she will eat them. This took us years to work out.

When Trixie was between her puppy and adult coat her coat was a nightmare, really hard work and it didn’t matter what we did it matted. Thankfully since she was about 18 months it’s been so much easier to keep nice. It also helps we have found a local groomer who actually understands and has experience in the bolognese breed. Trixie is so sociable and thinks everybody is in this world to say hello and love her. She is great with my grandchildren and just loves it when they come to play. One of Trixie’s favourite things is to run free on the beach. Her little face shows how happy she is. We cannot believe how lucky we are to have been introduced to this breed and to have such an amazing fur baby as Trixie is our lives.

Sue Blair
Washington, Tyne & Wear

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.

2 thoughts on “Trixie Blair’s All About Me

  • Mrs Jennie Hegarty

    Trixie is so pretty and I was interested to hear about her dainty eating habits – my Fizz has similar ways. If her bowl looks too full of food she just walks away …… then when I remove some she returns to her food and eats it

  • Jamie Craig

    Yeah trixie I really cute and loving I love it when I walk through the door and she comes and scratch’s the back of my leg and runs after me , whenever I come for a sleepover trixie comes and lies beside me and cuddles and licks me every time I get the chance I’ll cuddle trixie and play with her ball with her she really crazy and really funny when she begs

    Sue Blair’s grandson Jamie Craig

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