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Tasty Treats for Little Treasures

Liver Sausage Biscuits (for dogs)

makes about 40-biscuits

100g coarse rolled oats

100g fine rolled oats

150g cottage cheese

100g liver sausage

7 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 egg


Mix all ingredients to make a dough. It should not be too firm. If required, add a little extra water.

Line a baking tray with baking parchment paper. Shape the dough into little balls, place them on the paper and flatten them. Place in a cold oven set it to 180 degrees C (350F) and bake for 30-mins.

Let the biscuits cool on a wire rack. Keep them in a biscuit tin. They should keep for about 3-weeks.

Shirley Hewitson (renewal Jan 2024)

Shirley Hewitson (renewal Jan 2024)

FOUNDER MEMBER Moorhey Bolognese One day in 2002 I was at a championship show when I saw two people carrying two small beautiful white dogs. Dogs that I had never seen before. I literally ran after them and spoke to them to see what breed the dogs were. They are Bolognese they both said and proceeded to tell me all about them. Shortly after, my first Bolognese arrived. I knew from the very first day that I had met my soul mate.