The  meetup planned for September unfortunately had to be cancelled due to Hurricane Callum and was re-arranged for Sunday 21st October. It was with trepidation I kept eye on the weather forecast the week before but I should not have worried, we could not have had a better day if it had been midsummer. What I had not planned for was the fact it was the Weston super Mare Enduro an annual event of motorbike racing on the beach in Weston with an attendance of some 70,000 spectators, so unfortunately, for those travelling to our venue at Uphill the traffic was rather heavy and parking at a premium. Anyhow, we all managed to arrive at the venue in time to go in for lunch at 1.00 p.m.

This was the third time we have used this venue for our meet ups as it is so dog friendly, lets face it with 17 adults, 12 Bolognese, 2 Keeshonds a Dandie Dinmont Terrier and a Parson Jack Russell it has to be. There were also members of the general public in the café with their dogs. All dogs were very well behaved and sat under the tables whilst us humans ate our meal. The café provided nibbles for the dogs. We held a raffle which was won by a delighted Jude Pearson. Once outside the café we had a couple of small competitions for prettiest bitch which was won by one of Beth Symmons Bolognese, most handsome dog Peter Haig’s Boswell and waggiest tail had joint winners with Peter Haig’s Boswell and Vikki Marshall’s Morse.

We then went for an amble along the cycle path with a lot of the dogs off lead and thoroughly enjoying themselves. We met quite a few people coming from the other direction who naturally asked what breed of dogs we had and the usual spaghetti jokes that go with it. After this most of us went back to the café for further refreshments and a lot of us had ice cream which as the weather was so glorious we went outside to enjoy.

A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all and the weather was an absolute bonus as October can really be unpredictable.  Thank you everyone for coming and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Look forward to next year’s Somerset Meet Up.

CLICK HERE to visit our facebook page for a lovely video and more pictures of the day.

If there are any members who would like to have a ‘Meet Up’ in your local area where you can get in touch with other Bolognese owners please let the Club know as we can probably help with this.

Chris Thatcher

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor