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Judges Critique – City of Birmingham Championship Show 2018

I always enjoy judging your breed. Today was no exception, but I was a little dismayed that when the standard states “shown in a natural state”, some exhibits were powdered, back-combed and lacquered. Food for thought.

PD (1) 1 McArdell’s Phendelle Photo Finish. Lovely baby at his first show, pretty head, lovely eye and pigment, super body and coat, sound and very showy. BP.

JD (1) 1 Begg’s Mogolatclarchien. Still a puppy, very masculine, liked his head and pigment, well made, a touch long and would like less of him, very well coated.

PGD (4) 1 Towers’ Enjanicka Midnight Blue. Good for size and very smart, lovely coat, so well balanced and so very sound, very active on the move, very well presented and has a pleasing head with lovely eyes. Res BD. 2 Dowty & Davidson’s Lafford Hero. Very masculine dog with a lovely head, eye and pigment, lovely coat on him and a sound mover, just a touch long. 3 Franklin’s Starexpress Italian Dream.

OD (5, 1) 1 Dowty’s Multi Ch Little White Wonder Othello Matteo CW16. Beautifully shaped dog in lovely coat and condition, very pleasing in head with lovely eye and expression, excellent coat, well put together, so sound and active on the move. BOB. 2 Mulligan’s Donocielo Ceasario. Another who was so active on the move, has a super coat and is well balanced, very typy in head but not quite the eyes of above, he is sound. 3 Hough’s Donocielo Alessandro At Strophair.

PB (4) 1 Towers’ Enjanicka Toscana Mio Caro. Very pretty 9 mths baby of lovely type, pretty head and expression, lovely body and coat, very active and well balanced, close up for BP. 2 Hewitson’s Trilly La Signora Dei 100 Cani At Moorhey. Touch longer but very sound, lovely to go over, good coat and very well pigmented. 3 Thatcher’s Gonni Torre Delle Passere With Devonia (Imp).

JB (1) 1 Mulligan’s Donicielo Giulietta. Lovely to go over being so well bodied and so well made, sound and very showy with a pretty head and lovely pigment. Best Junior.

PGB (7, 3) 1 Hewitson’s Belstown Cheeky Pumpkin At Moorhey. Good for size and very pretty, lovely head, dark eyes and well pigmented, so well balanced with a very good coat, very sound moving. 2 Walker’s Aemilia’s Heart To Heart. Very well coated and pigmented, good to go over being very well made, very good mover, just a touch longer. 3 Johnson’s Beauchasseur My Solitaire At Absuron (Imp). OB (8, 1) 1 Franklin’s Starexpress Mystery Girl. Very pretty and full of quality, lovely coat, condition and presentation, pleasing in head, eye and pigment, very well balanced, so sound and full of herself. BB. 2 Golden’s Kaylo Van Het Balgzand (Imp Nld). Another quality girl with a pretty head, eye and pigment, lovely coat, lovely type and a beautiful body and outline, admired her very much too, Res BB. 3 Mulligan’s Donocielo Seraphina.

Derek Smith

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson/Editor