With the Government’s impending policy which is due to take effect from the 6th April, 2016 I thought I had better check that all my dogs microchips were registered to me and that they had the correct address information.
To my horror I discovered that although I had imported 4 dogs from abroad, 3 from Italy and 1 from the Czech Republic and all pet passports are up to date and the dogs registered with the Kennel Club, none of the dogs microchips were registered to me. If the up to date information on a dog is not on the records a hefty fine is payable per dog.
I obviously had to get the matter sorted. You can check the information out on the internet with the various microchip registration companies, i.e. Anibase, Petlog, European Pet Network and about 6 others. On checking it appeared that my dogs were not registered with any of these. My initial thought was that may be I would have to have 2nd microchips inserted and new pet passports issued. Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I eventually rang Petlog which is part of the Kennel Club’s micro-chipping registry and explained the predicament. The lady I spoke to was very helpful and she checked out the 4 microchip numbers for me. The dogs have overseas microchips but can be registered by Petlog. Petlog send out individual registration forms for each dog. The fee for registration is £16.00 per dog.
So I would advise anyone at present prior to the 6th April 2016 to check your individual dogs microchip registrations are up to date with your current address to avoid paying a substantial fine.