SHOW REPORT Crufts 2025

Crufts 2025 was a good day, all went well and I’m glad I made the effort. As I always travel on my own, I find myself relieved when I get to the right ring to find some familiar faces. It was an easy journey from the car and actually an easy journey back to the car at the end of the day. Being a Friday probably helped as there were fewer members of the public attending. I always find the NEC very organised and the staff friendly and helpful. I noticed that this year they zapped the barcodes on our passes in and out (rather than tearing off part of the sheet), this must have speeded things up at the hall doors. There were only 33 Bolognese entered and they all came. People in the know had already worked out exactly who had entered and with how many dogs. There was only one surprise, a Radamantino dog from Italy who was entered in the Junior Class. I’m surprised that people would bring over a young dog for Crufts, normally foreign dogs are already top show dogs and in the Open Class.
Entries at Crufts for Bolognese are low compared to pre-pandemic days, which is sad as it was always interesting to see more dogs and those from abroad too attending. There was no Limit class this year and some classes had no entries, which meant the challenges had fewer dogs. If I had an award for best dressed handler, it would go jointly to Mark Whateley and Amy Lovell, well done guys you looked great.
Our judge Mrs R McCarry-Beattie is from Ireland. Rita is a well-known and respected judge and Bichon Frise, American Cocker and Yorkshire Terrier breeder exhibitor. She was the treasurer of the Irish Kennel Club for many years. She was thorough when examining each dog on the table and was kind, engaging and seemed genuinely interested in the breed. I would say that the judge was hot on pigment, checking the nails and also on teeth having a good look front and side of each dog’s mouth. The stewards were friendly and cracked a few jokes, although there were some confusion with numbers as people swapped dogs and handled other people’s dogs, plus somehow the Reserve Best Dog card was written out for the wrong dog. When this error was discovered (some time later) they were frantically trying to find the judge to correct things!
Bolognese were judged after Pekingese of which there were around 70. The Pekingese judging did seem slow, it took 2.5 hours just to judge the dogs! I realized why this was when I sat ringside, it takes double the time for a Peke to move round the ring compared to other toy breeds, bless them. Anyway, we got going about 2ish. It does amaze me that after we have hung around for hours to start the judging, some competitors still don’t manage to get in the ring when their class is called!
There were 3 veteran dogs, no puppies and 2 junior dogs. Hilary McArdell’s boy Little White Wonder Jaguar at Phendelle (an import from The Netherlands) took first in Junior Dog knocking out the dog from Italy whose handler left the ring immediately without even waiting for a critique to be written. Post Graduate Dog was won my Arkadian Alfredo Ferrari known as ‘Dino’ who is just out of Junior. Donocielo Mattia ‘Tito’ was 2nd in Post Graduate Dog. Our judge Rita had 5 dogs to chose from in the Open Dog Class, with Lyckalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian ‘Enzo’ taking the first prize and going on to be awarded the top honer of Best of Breed. Reserve Best Dog was Dennis & Carol Mulligan’s Donocielo Michelangelo ‘Meko’.
There is a Good Citizen class for dogs and bitches at Crufts and some Championship Shows throughout the year. To enter the Good Citizen Class, dogs must have trained, been assessed and passed at least the Bronze Good Citizen Scheme run my The Royal Kennel Club. My dog Belstown Harry The Potter passed his Bronze Good Citizen in December, so he was in this class and won, although he stood alone. The Good Citizen winners get a special rosette.
There were 2 veteran bitches and 3 in junior. Devonia’s Florence owned and bred by Chris Thatcher won the Junior Class and went on to be awarded Best Bitch. Little White Wonder Keisha at Phendelle (also from The Netherlands) owned by Hilary McArdell took 2nd in Junior Bitch. Dennis & Carol Mulligan’s Donocielo Maddalana ‘Maddie’ was at her first Crufts and took 2nd in the Post Graduate Bitch Class. Hilary MccArdell’s Phendelle Phyllis Eida took 3rd in Post Graduate. Open Bitch had 5 girls in the ring. Phendelle Eida Avril May bred and handled by Hilary McArdell took the 2nd place and Devonia’s Calabria 3rd. There were 2 girls in the Veteran Bitch class and Bette Hopkin won the class with Enganicka Toscana Ti Adoro ‘Bijou’. There was one bitch in the Good Citizen class, Lyckalotte Elegante Athena showed and owned by Bette Hopkins.
We asked Mark Whateley who owns and showed our Best of Breed Lyckalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian his feelings about the day. Mark said, “We vividly remember seeing Enzo’s dad, Lafford Hero winning BOB at Crufts in 2020 and falling in love with him. Wind forward a few years and we were delighted to be entrusted with one of his sons, Enzo bred by Deana Mee. Spirits were high and there was a warm and friendly atmosphere at ringside. It was lovely to see so many of our friends there with all their beautiful dogs. Dino and Enzo both won their classes and despite them both getting a bit upset in the dog challenge, Enzo settled and got the Best Dog award”.
Mark tells us more, “BOB at Crufts is something we all dream about and we are so grateful for all the help and support we have had from other breeders and show people along the way. After a very brief wind down for something to eat at the after-show party, me and the dogs made our way across to the Arena for the group. You’re greeted by a lot of friendly faces who do their best to point you in the right direction and let you know what to expect. First there is a vet check which is basically a quick walk up and down. Then we had a couple of pictures taken before settling in for a long wait as the Utility Group was being judged. People were all very kind and friendly and kept bringing us drinks and gifts and making sure we were OK. I left Enzo to rest.
When it was our turn, we moved across to the chairs which are set out in breed order. Claire Balding and a camera crew started working out their introduction piece. You complete a form before you arrive which gives them some details about you and the dog. She came and asked me about Enzo and where we were from. Claire Balding is very good at her job and referred to Enzo as a local hero. Before we knew it, we were lined up and ready to go in. They show you a map of the arena and tell you exactly where to walk. Stepping out into the big arena with Enzo by my side was quite an experience and he wasn’t at all phased by the lights and noise. I’m sure he enjoyed himself and definitely did us all proud”.
Bette Hopkins was thrilled with winning Best Veteran, saying “this was our best Crufts so far, with Bijou taking Best Veteran in Breed on her first outing in that class and getting to do a lap of honour together with the other winners. It was refreshing that our judge, Mrs R McCarry-Beattie, took time going over the dogs and making them and their owners feel at ease. As always, the atmosphere at Crufts is very special”.
This year we didn’t see Debbie Taylor, Diane Whateley or Deana Mee for various reasons. But, we did see Jennie Hegarty who is a brilliant supporter of the breed and Kathy Holliday popped by with her beautiful Havanese. Club members Denise Simpson and new member Caroline Faulkner and Sarah O’Neill were introduced to the exhibitors and enjoyed the face to face chat and a cuddle from a dog or two. Daniela Toselli visited (without dogs) from Italy. Daniela used to be a regular exhibitor and said its 7-years since she was last at Crufts. Daniela used to show beautiful Bolognese, but I’m guessing they must be quite elderly by now. Lotte Hartung from Denmark watched the judging from the ringside. Lotte took Best Dog last year. I have been talking to Lotte after the show and she said she will bring her dog to Crufts next year. I met with a few other Bolognese owners, who did later complement us on being such a friendly bunch. I brought a little gift for all members of The Bolognese Dog Club of a charming charm/key ring and I also gave one to overseas Bolognese enthusiasts. As there will be Challenge Certificates awarded for the first time at Crufts 2026, we are expecting a few dogs from overseas to shake things up a bit next year!
This year, boards went out at the end of the judging for BOB, BOS and BV (there was no Best Puppy). This was really nice and created a great photo opportunity. As proceedings wrapped up, we managed to get a picture with all UK exhibitors and most of the dogs. Thanks as always to Dennis Mulligan for bringing his wide angle lens. Although, even all together, we don’t take up as much space as we used to a few years ago!
I took some random pictures around the benches and these you can view on our Facebook Page
We have had quite a few new people apply to join The Bolognese Dog Club since Crufts. Welcome to new members. And, well done to all Crufts competitors, I hope you had a good day and got home safety. I will see some of you at shows though the year or at Bolognese MEET UPS.
CLICK HERE for full results
Melanie Thomas
Belstown Bolognese