
Dino’s 2nd Birthday

Hi everybody !
It was my birthday on the 5th August but my family were in Spain, so we didn’t get to celebrate it properly. I stayed with my bestfriend Daisy and we had a great time playing in the garden but I couldn’t wait to celebrate properly with my family.

We decided to wait until October 21st. That’s the date that I came here to Dublin to live with my new family.

They told me that morning “Dino! Today’s your birthday”. I was very excited all day.  I went for a lovely walk with Mammy at the sea. When the children came home from school they started making me a yummy cake. I could smell it baking in the oven and I sat looking at it and wagging my tail.
After dinner they sat me at the table and they all sang Happy Birthday to me. I had 2 candles. We all had some cake and I have to say it was so delicious. Mammy couldn’t believe I ate a whole slice! I told her – it’s my birthday! It was so tasty.

Then I lay on the sofa and slept for ages, I think I ate too much!

It was a great day

Tara Kelly
Dublin Ireland

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.