
Tiger & Bear Road Trip 2022

Mark & Debbie Taylor visit Cornwall with their Bolognese Bear & Tiger, this is their charming and rather amusing story…

Porth Beach

Bear: We love ice cream & on holiday we get more of it. Look at me dad, I am looking so cute in this pose, that’s got to be worth another spoonful. Please…..
Tiger: OK, so this is probably the only subject that I agree with Bear on – yeh, I am doing the smiley shot on the promise of more ice cream – make it a big spoonful please.

Gwithian Beach

Bear: Come on Tigee…. Chase me, chase me! I’m loving the sand, fresh sea air & chasing mum.
Tiger: Oh OK then, I am mustering up a short burst of forward motion – yep Ba Ba Bear, I’m on your tail. Ok that’s enough of that.

Gwithian Beach

Bear: Woo hoo this is fun – cold toes on a hot day. I’m not sure why I haven’t done this before, but all of a sudden them waves are not as scary. Why have I been running away from them for the past 8 years!

Gwithian Beach

Bear: What do you mean, “Ba Ba, look at the camera” – I am busy doing important diggin. Oh I love diggin. I’m known as the ‘diggy-doggy’ & you can see my prize excavation, which I am very proud of. I like to lie in the hole & cool my belly too (who wouldn’t!).

Marazion Causeway

Bear: Sniff sniff, a bit seaweed whiffy this morning & I love it. Just me & mum out exploring as Tiger is ‘relaxing’ back at the van with dad.

Porth Beach

Tiger: I love my mum keeping me almost dry in thrashing rain & wind. We only sat down for 10 minutes & the heavens opened. Mum looked inside the bar doorway & said it was ‘covid-city’ in there, so we were staying out to finish the beers. I do think she was well prepared though – that pack-o-mac is xxl, just so she can fit me inside too – thanks mum.

Penzance Harbour

Tiger: Yep, mum & dad have officially gone mad. Today’s lunch is on an open deck & it is raining (last table left apparently – bonkers.) I am so glad I am in my ‘princess carriage’, dry, with absolutely no cardio involved in me getting here. Rain shield up as the rain eases off & treats delivered – a good day for me (but definitely weird.)

Bear: Let me out, let me out, I hate being stuck in Tiger’s mobility scooter – aargh. Look, I am doing my angelic Titanic impression & stretching as far as I can, to step out of this thing – will grab the treats as I escape (but mum has got me tethered, so I can’t escape.) Look at my face – it’s saying ‘these legs were made for walking – get it’


Doggy ladies wot do lunch – scooby snacks – yaey, we love our treats. We would love some of what mum & dad are having, but treats pretty good.

Back Home

We love coming home – it’s great to do zoomies & bark all over the house to let the world know we are back. Squirrels, rabbits & cat – watch out & get off our land! When we are on holidays we get less grooming & bathing and we like it that way. It doesn’t take mum long to get the table out & start her usual routine – so this is us all bathed & clean, back at home.

Mark & Debbie Taylor
Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.