
GOLDEN OLDIES – Gianna Irvine

Gianna has just celebrated her 12th Birthday on 7th December 2023.

I feel truly blessed to have her in my life she is just perfect and completely adorable. She is always a very happy girl and quite independent and likes to disappear during the day to be found in one of her comfy spots around the house that she has carefully chosen unlike Minnie who is like my shadow following me everywhere.

I’ve never worried leaving Gianna with pet sitters when I go overseas because she is so independent. However, on my last trip I phoned the Pet Sitter to see how Gianna and Minnie were and she admitted to me that Gianna cried for me at the door for a long time after I’d gone. I was quite upset and surprised by this and very worried about wee Minnie only to be told that Minnie doesn’t care! When I collected Gianna she gave me so many kisses and she is always super excited to see me after an absence. It just goes to show that you can’t always tell how your dogs care about you as they all have their own personalities so I always make sure to give Gianna lots of hugs and tummy rubs as she won’t always ask for them unlike Minnie.

Despite Gianna’s advancing years she still loves to chase birds and squirrels in the park and has an amazing turn of speed. She also manages to get to the top of the stairs before Minnie every time we go up to bed and I’m always amazed by how quick she is.

Gianna is very sweet natured and so patient with everyone that wants to say hello when she is out and about and everyone who meets her comments on how beautiful she is and are amazed to find out how old she is.

She happily poses for photographs and is very patient no matter how many pictures Dad wants to take. She still really loves her food and is rather greedy even if I do say so myself and it’s hard to say who enjoyed her Birthday cake more she really loves Birthday cake!

She is very sweet with Minnie and they clearly adore each other the only time I have ever seen Gianna snap at Minnie was over food when Minnie tried to have some of Gianna’s dinner having finished her own. I wouldn’t change anything about Gianna I still enjoy watching her walk along beside me and I just love the way she walks along almost prancing with her beautiful coat bouncing up and down.

Gianna truly is a wonderful Golden Oldie a true 24 Carat beauty.

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.