Best of Breed Story Crufts 2025

Best of Breed Bolognese Crufts 2025 – Lyckalotte Enzo Ferrari at Arkadian
We vividly remember seeing Enzo’s dad, Lafford Hero bred by Carol Lees and handled by Adam Davidson winning BOB at Crufts in 2020 and falling in love with him. Wind forward a few years and we were delighted to be entrusted with one of his sons, Enzo bred by Deana Mee. In 2025, Enzo followed in his father’s footsteps by winning BOB at Crufts and we couldn’t be more proud of him. Between Crufts 2024 and 2025, Enzo has competed in around 50 shows all over the UK. He hasn’t always won but he has always given his best and is a real showman with a big heart.
Enzo recently sired a 2nd litter of puppies with Amy, bred by Melanie Thomas, and so Diane had to stay at home puppysitting, while I took Enzo and his son Dino to Crufts. It was a very long day and we had to wait patiently for all of the Pekinese to be judged before our turn came. Despite the wait, spirits were high and there was a warm and friendly atmosphere at ringside. It was lovely to see so many of our friends there with all their beautiful dogs. Dino and Enzo both won their classes under judge Mrs R McCarry Beattie and despite them both getting a bit upset in the dog challenge, Enzo settled and got the Best Dog award while his half brother Meko, another stunning son of Hero’s was called back in and got the reserve.
We then had to wait nervously for all the girls to be judged and came up against Tia and Chris Thatcher in the BOB challenge. I’ve always admired Tia and she had done really well at such a young age to get Best Bitch. The judge said how close it was but we were thrilled that she gave it to Enzo. Getting BOB at Crufts is something we all dream about and we are so grateful for all the help and support we have had from other breeders and show people along the way. After a very brief wind down for something to eat at the after-show party, me and the dogs made our way across to the Arena for the group. Luckily there weren’t too many people moving in the same direction so we got there quite quickly. You’re greeted by a lot of friendly faces who do their best to point you in the right direction and let you know what to expect. First there is a vet check which is basically a quick walk up and down on Astro turf. Enzo stopped for a wee half way down so had to do it again but he was passed as fit for the big ring. Then we had a couple of pictures taken in a makeshift studio before settling in for a long wait as the Utility Group was being judged first. People were all very kind and friendly and kept bringing us drinks and gifts and making sure we were ok and I pretty much left Enzo to rest. When it was our turn, we moved across to the chairs which are set out in breed order.
Claire Balding and a camera crew then arrived and started working out their introduction piece and who they would talk to. You complete a form before you arrive which gives them some details about you and the dog. She came and asked me about Enzo and where we were from. She said “ok I’m coming to you first” but actually started with Ronnie my neighbor the Bichon. She’s very good at her job and refered to Enzo as a local hero, which made me think of his dad. I remember blurting something out about Enzo, Birmingham and puppies – I think I said he’d just had his 2nd litter. Afterwards she came back to thank us all. Before we knew it, we were lined up and ready to go in. They show you a map of the arena and tell you exactly where to walk. I had to go right at the far end and the lady behind had to go left. She was nervous and had to check which way she was going a couple of times but the ring stewards are great at directing everyone. Stepping out into the big arena with Enzo by my side was quite an experience and he wasn’t at all phased by the lights and noise. Although we weren’t lucky enough to be shortlisted, I’m sure he enjoyed himself and did us all proud. Maybe next time! The NEC was empty and I was amazed by just how much rubbish people leave behind on the floor. Pushing the trolley through when there are no crowds is so much easier and once outside, I got the boys out and we walked back to the car.
It was after 9pm when we left the NEC and were all very tired but very happy too. At least we didn’t have far to go to get home.