
Fizz Achieves KC Silver Good Citizen Award

Jennie Hegarty from Surrey contacted us with news from her Bolognese Fizz who has just received her Good Citizen Silver Award following in her sister Bijou’s paw steps!

Regards the Silver Award, Jennie said, “Fizz and I found it hard work particularly the down stay for 2 mins. She has never managed more than a minute before and then she gets up and tries to come to me. Honestly, I think on this occasion it was some form of telepathy. My trainer said just think positively and send her thoughts that she can do it …… and she did. We are now working towards our Gold so fingers and paws crossed. I was worried when  heard that you have to leave your dog in another room for the Gold Award. However, I was talking to a Kennel Club advisor at Crufts and she said that this test was being discontinued as it does not promote the bond between handler and dog.

Fizz is loving the lockdown her routine has changed so instead of two walks a day (shortish) she now has a good long walk every day up onto the common round a lake (where our Springer has a daily swim and she is kept out of the water) and home again. However, she obviously feels she can have too much of my company so about 2 she takes herself off upstairs finds a peaceful spot to hide or sunbathe and potters down about 4-30 when she comes and finds me. She then yodels to be picked up for a cuddle and is with me till she removes herself about 9 when she has designated her bedtime. I will miss our Bolognese MEET UPS  and the funday in May that cannot go on because of the lockdown, but comfort myself with the thought they are only postponed”.

Jennie Hegarty

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

Melanie Thomas, Chairperson

I live in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex with 2 Bolognese and I show one of my dogs.